Accordion Blocks

Image Accordion Block

Displays images with their headers in a vertical accordion format.

Std Accordion Block

Displays questions and answers utilizing a standard accordion format.

Image Blocks

Image Column Block

​Displays images in rows utilizing a grid format.

Image Content Block

Stacks images and their descriptions in a single column.

Image Description List Block

Displays images with associated elements in a flexible, templated format.

Displays popup upon thumbnail selection

Displays images with associated elements in a flexible, templated format.

Image Content Mouse Hover Block

Displays images/videos and their descriptions with mouse hover effect.

Multifunction Blocks

Auto Templates Block

3 templated options for displaying inputted content.

Tabs Block

Displays content in a multiple tab format.

Tile CTAs Block

Displays a single image tile or multiple tiles in an automated grid.

Slider Blocks

Before After Block

Allows users to slide and compare 2 images.

Progressive Slider Block

Tracks progress by advancing through a series of images.

Other Blocks

Content Cards (Badge)

Creates a Grid of Content Cards (Badges) with a maximum of 7 Cards in a row.

Description Block

Displays a list of items and their descriptions in a single column.

Search Block

​Displays search results from a data source utilizing specified parameters.

ISI Block

Adds ISI content and tray functionality to website

Interstitial Popup Block

Opens an interstitial popup

Video Player (Wistia) Block

​Implements player for streaming video files.